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Constitutional Bioenergetic Support for

Wide Spectrum of Health Problems

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  • Treats the whole person - mental, emotional, and physical

  • Heals the root causes of the illness and is truly curative

  • The remedies are uniquely suited to each individual

  • Uses safe, gentle, yet powerful, natural medicines

  • Has no adverse side effects as regular drugs do

  • No allergies or toxic overdoses ever occur

  • Is very cost-effective, health care therapy

What is Homeopathy?


Homeopathy is a unique medical discipline founded by the brilliant German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, over a century ago.  Since that time it has consistently proven itself to be cost-effective and extremely safe.  The World Health Organization recognizes it as one of the most widespread and popular of the alternative forms of medical care available.


Homeopathy recognizes the importance of treating the patient as a whole person, and avoids the narrow specialization that characterizes much of conventional, allopathic medicine.  Through the use of safe, non-toxic, cost-effective, natural medicines in extremely small doses, homeopathic treatment gently and effectively stimulates the healing process.


Homeopathy concerns itself with all aspects of the individual – mental, emotional, and physical – and can enhance health and well-being on all of these levels.  Employing the “Law of Similars,” the founding principle of Homeopathy, the homeopathic physician, after a thorough consultation and physical exam, chooses the single homeopathic medicine from among the many thousands available, which is most uniquely suited to stimulate the patient’s innate healing mechanism.  


Sometimes a single medicine, given for a brief time, is adequate to cure permanently a chronic illness of many years duration.  In other instances, for those cases that are more seriously ill, several medicines must be given in succession over a longer period of time before cure may be established.


What is Constitutional Homeopathy?


  • Constitutional Homeopathy treats serious, chronic diseases safely and cost-effectively

  • It treats the whole person – body, mind, emotions and spirit

  • It improves the overall health and well-being of the person

  • The physician and patient consult for 2 to 3 hours


Constitutional Homeopathy is one of the very best therapies for naturally and deeply healing chronic, long term, serious disease conditions.  It can help heal asthma, chronic sinusitis, food allergies, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease, PMS, menopause, migraines, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus, eczema, psoriasis, anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD, autism, epilepsy, and many other serious health problems.  It can also help conditions that conventional medicine cannot.


Constitutional Homeopathy requires the physician to take a very comprehensive history from the patient.  And, the patient must reveal and share all of their physical, emotional and mental symptoms in as much detail as possible, honestly and candidly, so that their physician can truly understand the root cause of their health problems.  The Constitutional Homeopathic consultation may take 2 to 3 hours to complete, such that the physician has all the information needed to find the right remedy.


“Constitutional” refers to the whole person – mind, body and spirit.  


In Constitutional Homeopathy, the physician gathers information in great detail about all the physical, emotional, and mental symptoms that an individual has been experiencing.   


For example, it is important to know the exact sensations of pain that someone is feeling with a headache, what parts of the head they feel it, if it moves anywhere else in the body, what makes the pain worse and what makes the pain better, and any other symptoms, such as dizziness, vision changes, nausea, etc., that occur with the headache pain.


Once the physician has gathered the totality of all the person’s symptoms, he or she examines the crossroad of all these physical, emotional, and mental symptoms, which paints a ‘picture’ of the whole person.  This ‘picture’ is then is carefully studied, analyzed, and compared to the symptom pictures of many thousands of homeopathic medicines until one remedy stands out as the most similar to the symptom pattern of the person.  This remedy is called the constitutional homeopathic simillimum (the most similar remedy).  


The constitutional homeopathic simillimum acts as a bioenergetic catalyst or stimulus that gives the God-given, innate defense mechanism of the mind-body (also called the vital force or life force) the energy and information do what the mind-body would have done if it had that energy and information to begin with.  In other words, the constitutional homeopathic simillimum kick-starts the healing power within to bring about inner balance, health and well-being in all the systems of the mind, body and spirit of the person being treated homeopathically.  This is true healing.


What can Homeopathy treat?


Homeopathic medicine can effectively treat a wide array of health problems, both acute and chronic.  The following are just some of the conditions for which homeopathy has proven particularly effective.  Please feel free to inquire whether your condition can be helped.


About Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from a wide range of substances – plant, animal and mineral.  Their preparation involves a serial process of dilution in alcohol/water and succussion (vigorous shaking), a pharmaceutical method known as potentiation. 


The scientific principles underlying homeopathic pharmacology are utilized to extract, purify and concentrate the electromagnetic resonance within the original material substance that is undergoing the potentiation process.  This process of potentiation enables the homeopathic physician to prescribe medicines which possess an enhanced curative effectiveness and essentially no toxic side effects, in sharp contrast to current orthodox drugs.


Advances in modern science in the last century and beyond, e.g., quantum mechanics and unified field theory, chaos theory, small cluster theory, the electromagnetic memory of water, new concepts of the higher states of ‘ice’ crystallization, etc., all strongly support the scientific foundations of homeopathic medicine.  Clinical research, published in respected, conventional medical journals, has put to rest the false belief that homeopathy operates by placebo effect alone.


Homeopathic medicines work ‘bioenergetically’, not ‘biochemically’, and are prescribed according to the unique symptom characteristics of the individual being treated with the intent to gently but powerfully stimulate their own innate, self-healing mechanisms.  In essence, all true healing is self-healing, and homeopathy supports this inherent, life process.


The Law of Similars

What really distinguishes homeopathy from orthodox medicine is the basic principle upon which homeopathic physicians choose the indicated medicine.  This principle is called the Law of Similars, which states: a substance that can produce certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure a similar combination of symptoms in a sick person.

A simple example is the homeopathic use of red onion (Allium cepa is the homeopathic Latin name) for common colds characterized by profuse burning nasal discharge and stinging tears, just the kind of reaction many of us experience when cutting an onion!


Orthodox medicine makes occasional, unwitting use of this principle — vaccinations, allergic desensitization, and the use of Ritalin, a central nervous system stimulant, in the treatment of hyperactive children are some examples.  Homeopathy, on the other hand, represents an entire system of health care based upon this universal, fundamental principle of Nature.


The Philosophy of Homeopathy

Homeopathy recognizes that the human organism possesses an innate intelligence that directs all of its functions in health and in disease.  When we fall ill as a consequence of some life stress (dietary, environmental, hereditary, psychological, etc.), specific and unique symptoms are produced in each given individual.  Homeopathy asserts that such symptoms are expressions of the organism’s effort to heal itself, to overcome the stress.


For example, when we contract a cold or flu, our immune response, which results in fever, chills, sweating, runny nose, sore throat, cough, aches, etc., comes about because it is the best attempt of our organism to rid itself of the causative agent, the virus.  In the homeopathic treatment of a cold, flu or any other problem, acute or chronic, a remedy is prescribed which is intended to gently, powerfully and effectively enhance the patient’s own healing potential.  In this way, the patient’s vitality may be strengthened and the disease overcome gently, safely and permanently.


The ultimate goal of homeopathic medicine is the restoration and maintenance of total health and well-being; health being defined as the freedom from all mental, emotional and physical limitations, such that life may be lived and enjoyed to its fullest capacity.



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