Helping to Build a Healthy Community
About our Medical Center
What is our Philosophy?
How is Our Medical Practice Different?

Our goal is to correctly diagnose the root causes of disease in an individual with cutting edge technology, and then prescribe safe, effective, natural medical care carefully designed to restore and maintain healthy balance and homeostasis in the body and mind
We use a comprehensive, systems based approach to examine how physical, emotional, mental, social, and environmental stressors influence our patients' lives and effect outcomes, and thereby adjust therapeutic interventions to optimize health and well-being
We make regular measurements of where you are now and where you want to be, using state of the art metrics to carefully track your progress
We educate our patients about the most important aspects of personal self care to support a healthy lifestyle, as well as individualized, nutritional supplementation to maintain optimal health and well-being
We have many years of clinical experience and expertise in Integrative, Complementary, Alternative, Holistic Medicine, and can effectively address complex health issues, as well as provide the highest quality preventative health care, so that you can feel and look your best!
Our focus is on Anti-Aging Medicine, and health optimization to "Live Long and Age Strong"

Get Your Health Evaluation Today!
Opening Hours
Tuesday through Thursday: 10:00 am 5:00 pm
Other Hours by Appointment only
10190 Critzer Shop Road, Afton, Virginia 22920
434-361-1896 (phone)
540-456-6161 (fax)
info@cirm1.org (email)